June Month 2012 Retired Staff felicitated on 2 July 2012
Shri MV Rathnaji Rao, Senior Tech (2), Shri M Sambasiva Rao, Lab Assistant (Shri P Somasundaram, Lab Assistant is not Presented in the function)
Ellaruku Vanakkam,
This is not related to retirement function retirees. This was happened 34 years ago. When I was studying +1, I went to one cultural function, one fellow sitting side by me and told me this joke.
This is some jovial story that, Once American President came to India when Jawaharlal Nehru was prime minister. Nehru took him in the helicopter to see the outside India. In agricultural lands, so many people are sitting for morning call in agricultural land. American president had doubt why they are sitting in the agricultural land, he asked Nehru why people are sitting? Nehru told we do not have toilet facilities, people are going for morning call. American President insulted Nehru for not having basic facilities like toilet in India.
After some time, Nehru went to American, then American President took Nehru in helicopter to see outside US. One fellow sits in agricultural land for morning call. Then Nehru wanted to insult American President, and asked you do not have basic facilities in USA and shown that man who is in agricultural land. Then Immediately American President called police to bring that man who is in agricultural land for morning call. American President, in front of Nehru, asked very angrily, You do not have toilet in your house. Then that man replied that Sir, I am Indian I can get morning call in the agricultural land only.
After 65 years Independence, we do not basic facilities like toilets for 83 crores of people but we have 20 crore people carrying cell phones with the value of Rs.60,000 crores in India. World Bank report says that in India, 83 crore people do not have the basic toilet facilities. In the CSIR Technofest held in Delhi, we shown some technologies about sanitary toilets for Rs.10,000/- or less. I told Dr PG Rao that why don’t you raise these issues in the Directors’ conference which can be discussed for Indian basic facilities. Then Dr PG Rao explained me that CSIR can sell the technology to implementation agency, implementation should need ACT and action from the Government. Unless CSIR, Implementing agency, Indian Government come together and force to do the implementation, then only it will become reality. At that time CSIR will be all over India with CSIR technologies.
After that, AIADMK Rajya Sabha M.P. Came to our stall, then I shown each and every technology of CSIR and explained in Tamil and I told the problem of toilets. He said that there should be some ACTs for this and there is no implementation unless people won’t come forward for their basic facilities.
When I was joined in CSIR, CSIR strength was 25000, now it is 15000. Now CSIR is recruiting only Scientists and not recruiting any Group III, II, I staff in CSIR. When CSIR is set up, they established One Scientist, and to help scientist many technical assistants, technicians, lab assistants and peon in the organization. Now-a-days, only Scientists are recruited and all others are on contractual basis. One top scientist gets salary more than Rs.1.25 lakhs and contact fellow gets Rs.6000/- only. Then salary disparities are more in the societal structure, more disparities result more, extremism, terrorism in the society. In China Big scientist or Engineer is not getting more than Rs.20000/- salary.
Any organization all the people are required and should be appointed. Scientist gets Rs.4000/- salary per day and he is doing peon job or technician job, then it is not justified salary or highly paid for lower duty job for organization. Organization requires everybody in the organization. I request CLRI Director to raise this issue in appropriate forum to recruit all Group III, II and I people in CSIR system.
Coming to Mr. Sambasiva Rao, he is so dedicated to his duty and he tells his opinions on the face itself. Suggestions and criticism should come from inside the organization. When I say criticism about administration or scientific section, that does not mean I am anti to the organization, I am part of the organization, I am inside the organization to tell about problems in the organization. If outside the organization say about the organization then it will very serious to the organization. In Ramayana, all felt that Anjaneya gets more importance than any other brother, one day they all segregate the activities of Sri Rama, not given any job to Anjaneya. All the jobs are taken all brothers. Anjaneya asked only When Rama feels “Kottavi”(Opening mouth), I will put ‘chiteka’ (some kind of sound) on his mouth. After that, Anjaneya was there in all the activities, and he said, I do no know when Kottavi come from Sri Rama mouth. Like Anjaneya, Sri Sambasiva Rao is so attached to Chemical Engineering Section and cannot be separated from chemical engineering section.
In 1769, three wheeler was invented for lower type of transportation, small organisationcan not afford the four wheeler like lorry for their, so they need only auto type transport for their 500-1000 kg goods transportation. First I seen Ratnaji Rao as auto – driver, then I thought he is from outside but people told me that he is from CLRI. He is also dedicated worker in the organization. This year 25 people and next year 26 people are retiring from CLRI, Scientists have to adopt more technologies then only many appointments will happen in the organization.
I prey almighty to give them good health, happiness in their retired life.
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